Monday, March 23, 2009

So first day back at school, and starting a new blog since my last one crashed. I cant believe that spring break is already over..
If you followed me on my last blog, I set a goal for the end of the year, and I was halfway there to achieving it.
My goals were A) get a complete makeover B) get as many friends as possible and C) get accepted to New Zealand for a job.
Why do I want to do this? Because schools boring, and I need a challenge. I like challenges
Now im not saying that I look bad, or I have no friends
But geez, a girl can always look better and have more friends.
Goal A, makeover is COMPLETE, finally, getting its last push over spring break with my new hair extensions, and I must say peoples reactions to my new appearance are very satisfying :)

As for my spring break, I spent a long week in Montreal, Canada mostly shopping, which seems to be something that I do too much of these days. I have found myself dating a wonderful new guy, Trey, who seems to be everything that I could have hoped for. Pictures of my new look and new man will be poseted soon! And as for this new blog, please feel free to add me to your lists and contact me whenever.
Ta, Love.